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Chris Meehan

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The Championships have come and gone…now the Super Bowl is coming up quick! Get ready for another Pig skin Pig Out with a Man Cave staple = BACON!...

Inside the Cave (and near a Grill….) – Here’s tossing you my personal Pigskin Super Bowl preview – Pigs In a Blanket, AND on the Grill! Brenda...

Make your New Years resolution a reality! Did you know that our New Years resolutions to “be more awesome than last year” began with the ancient...

Everyone remembers their first experience sipping “wine with bubbles in it”…(unless perhaps you really over indulged that first time…) Nothing...

Inside the Cave: Man Cave: A dedicated area of the house, such as a basement, workshop, or garage where a man can be alone or socialize with his friends....

Inside the Cave – I have a sacred family duty, (well, a few actually) but this one is in the true tradition of maintaining our never ending effort...

Today is National MAN CAVE DAY! I have to admit that I’ve had plenty of time in The Cave watching football…so it’s time for me to “give...

Inside the Cave – First the “Zen” part. Clear your mind, then focus, do a little research, focus, keep focusing (on visualizing a great NFL...

Today is a day of remembrance that encompasses many here in the US and in Canada to honor loved ones across the miles, and those we’ve lost.  In...

Inside the Cave – It’s Harvest time In Napa, and ALMOST in Niagara, if you’re harvesting Ice Wine, that is… Ice Wine Martinis are a...

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