Keep Your Money-Saving Resolutions by Packing Up Christmas and Picking Up Post-Holiday Bargains!

Posted on Jan 5 2015 - 5:58pm by Brenda Meehan

The Christmas Boxes are pulled out and the dismantling of decorations has begun. Make this task merry and wave goodbye to Christmas with one last hint of holiday music and spiced cider. While reminiscing about memorable moments over the last season, I feel a sense of gratefulness of all that we have to look forward to. Now back to business…


1. Gather all decor and set it into groupings. Ex: angels, trees, Santas, decorative bows, reindeer, snowmen, votives (be sure all candles are removed if storage will hit hot temperatures), evergreen, picks, florals, ornaments, etc.

2. Take out any items that you no longer want to display and create a donation box. Don’t save items that you no longer wish to feature, as this will save you time and space next year!


3. Pack up each covered container into categories + recycle plastic grocery bags to pack carefully and put away your pieces. This is much cleaner than wrapping in newsprint. Label each storage box, and you’re ready to pack them away until needed!

4. Wreaths and garlands go on a rack, or are hung on hooks in the garage. Our new faux-tree is stored in it’s own canvas tree-bag for safe keeping.

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5. Leftover candy canes and sweets are now baggied-up and in a freezer drawer until their next appearance.

6. A simple wipe and wash of plates, shelves, and dismantled areas ensures you begin 2015 with a clean canvas awaiting your next Practically Perfect adventure.

Now that your 3P “Packing Party” is complete – compile a quick list of any items needed as well as upcoming life events moving into the New Year. Download your own 3P Parties, Gifts, Decor and More Shopping List HERE!

**VITAL 3P Tip: Budget for Bargains! This time of year is when the best bargains can be found not only for Christmas, but by thinking outside the box many of these great buys will stock you up for other occasions! Here’s a Practically Perfect peek at our post-holiday shopping spree with a budget of $200 (which we came in under by $60!) We planned out plenty of upcoming events based on clearance treasures, and coupon-savvy finds! Pier One provided us with much needed must haves for Academy Award night, shower parties, girlfriend gifts, OCC, Easter gatherings, our upcoming Hearts for Hope Tea, and more. In total we spent approx $60 for 57 items including napkins, ornaments, clips, gift wrap, and more!

Many items have a plan to be repurposed for more than one event! Sequined dress ornaments will given as gifts, featured as table decor for Academy awards,  etc. Vintage airplanes will sit perfectly on our tea table, make great gifts for OCC, and more! Shimmery napkins have an RSVP for Oscar Night, upcoming showers and even for Christmas 2015! And of course: our glittered bird clips will be nestled into Easter as well as a multitude of other happenings.

Scour your calendar and secure your shopping strategy! This helps to focus on needed and useful items rather than picking up great sale items that simply take up space and won’t be used. 3P Shopping Secret: If you don’t have a plan for it by the time you reach the check out counter: don’t buy it! We combed the aisles of Michael’s and scored PHENOMENAL deals on everything from ribbon to crafting essentials, Christmas clearance, greeting cards, chalkboard goodies, gifts, Valentine’s Day favors, Thank you items, and fantastic wrap. With coupons we came in under budget, and with two carts of treasures it added up to 53 items for $80….”chalk it all up” to good planning!

Having bid “a dieu” to the holidays, and filled our boxes with bargains…we’re onto planning our next grand get together! Now you know what our favorite cost-savvy shopping stops are…what are yours? We still have $60 left in the budget and we’ve love to hear where YOU think we should score our next bargain bounty!

2 Comments so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. Patricia January 6, 2015 at 5:55 am -

    Thankks for the tips. I have picked up a few great bargins at our favorite place Pier 1. Love the table runners and accents!

    • Brenda Meehan January 6, 2015 at 7:50 am -

      Happy New Year Patricia! SO glad my Canadian friends have Pier 1 too! And yes, their table runners and accents are awesome. Thanks for your comment and for reading 3P!