Outside the Cave –
Just went to an amazing Blogging Conference here in Las Vegas, the New Media Expo 2014. WOW.
The pace of change, and the amount of data increasingly available to us all is just incredible. My focus at this great event was to learn more about blogging for 3P, but it was also fun seeing some electronic “Toys” at the event, and hearing A LOT about one in particular that wasn’t at the event, but will soon be available.
A couple that were:
Solar Chargers for our iPhones. Myself and my boys too often run out of power after a long day, especially when the kids are outdoors all day and into the evening. The Solar Charger is a really easy way to charge and multiple use gadgets. Works on all iPhones and also my E-Reader. NICE.
(Photo by: Jessi Meehan)
Also saw a potential Valentine’s Day gift for my Brenda, a pink “Bluetooth Shower Speaker”…(Valentine’s Day is coming, and my planning alarm bells say can’t get caught without something!) It was really cool to see the technology.
(Photo by: Jessi Meehan)
The one that wasn’t there (except for a few special “Glass Explorers”) and everyone was talking about – Google “Glass”
Photo by: Jessica Dolcourt/CNET
If you’ve not heard of it, it’s Google’s new “eyeglass” that acts like a mobile device, with SO MUCH MORE.
When I went to their web-site to learn more; this new device is advertised to–
- Say “take a picture” to take a picture of what you’re looking at
- Record what you see, hands free.
- Share what you see, live
- Get directions, right on the eyeglass screen
- Speak to send a message
- Ask a question, and get answers
- Translate your voice into other languages
- The system will provide answers without you having to ask
- It is strong and light, great modular design, and comes in all kinds of colors.
While the show was predominately about blogging, there were a lot of techies there who just can’t wait to be able to “test drive” this fantastic new device when it is available to the general public, which should be soon. We saw two people at the show who had advance copies of the “Google Glass” and attendees were just drooling to try it…
A major new “Toy for the Boys!” To see more go to: http://www.google.com/glass/start/what-it-does/
Did you get any new toys for the holidays? Tell us about a few of your favorites!
What a great experience !!! I can see these toys will be a great hit when fantasy football comes in to do the picks!!! OH wow they will give you the right picks as well?? hehe just kidding.
Beware of the google’s new eyeglass…..I have seen it but had no idea that had so many options.
Great exposure, now the sky is the limit and then is Huatulco for some R & R…getting ready to leave, thursday from North Bay and then Huatulco Sunday…..Hope to connect there
Love you guys. MB or PPPal
Thanks for all the support! We really appreciate it!
Fantasy team is still in First Place and looking forward to this weekend’s games.
Have a great time in Huatulco. Hope we can catch up with you there!
Great ideas for gifts for birthdays and Valentines Day!
Google glass looks cool but I could imagine how geeky it would look to actually wear it! I’m really liking my “Pebble Watch” which shows my text messages, emails, and notifications on my watch from my phone. It’s really handy and one of the first smartwatches to work for both iphone and android.
I was thinking that too, but I saw a few people with them on at the conference, and it’s almost like they’re not even there. It’s really neat! I haven’t heard of the Pebble Watch….going to check it out now!