Oh Baby!

Posted on Feb 23 2014 - 12:38pm by Brenda Meehan

Over the weeks, we’ve talked a lot about gift wrap and presentations.  Today we thought a sentimental idea for a unique baby gift might be helpful, for the soon to be mamas in your life! Personalizing and choosing a gift with thought…no matter what the price, is what makes gift giving touch our hearts.

Years ago my friend Nancy told me of the below idea and I have been waiting for just the right family to give it to.  And guess what, that perfect couple just had their baby!


We chose a classic Irish Dublin Crystal domed cake plate as a baby gift. You are probably thinking, for a baby gift? Yes, so that throughout the years…every time baby’s birthday is celebrated, the cake plate will become a family birthday tradition.  And with it, the story of this being one of baby’s first gifts.


Now the couple we are speaking of is also very practical so I totally lucked out, because as you can see, this classic crystal piece is so versatile!


Here’s to having your cake and eating it too! Congratulations Kendra, Ben and Etson!!

2 Comments so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. Patricia February 23, 2014 at 2:24 pm -

    I love it, my grandson is going to have his first birthday in June and I have been trying to think of a great fiirst birthday gift. Thanks,

    • Brenda Meehan February 24, 2014 at 4:46 pm -

      Thank you so much, Patricia! We hope the gift builds a wonderful family tradition for years to come. 🙂