The Man Cave: Valentine’s Day…YIKES!

Posted on Feb 11 2014 - 10:06am by Chris Meehan

Inside the Cave –

Let’s face it, January has been an exhausting month of marathon football watching in the Man Cave.  All that planning and all the fun (but then the clean-up..)  Anyway, then all that followed by the anticipation of the upcoming Super Bowl, and more getting ready for the Big Party in the Cave! Grueling and time consuming planning right?  Then the Big Game, but then followed by – “THE BIG LETDOWN.”  What, no more football that counts until mid-September? Really?  A void is instantly created, and some guys lose focus…

A week, ten days can go by but then we come out of our stupor when we focus on some ad for – Valentine’s Day??  Oh yeah, when is that?  Holy _____ (fill in your own word – I chose YIKES!!!  Today is the 13th!   (FYI, I happened to do did this two years ago.)

3P Tip:  A true planner must think fast, and so must a desperate spouse.  Card?


Of course, but with something else.  Flowers?


Come on, nice but hardly memorable (and reeks of desperation…)   Think out of the box, or in this case, The Cave.

Outside the Cave –

And into the Mall!  I’ve got time, but not a lot of it.  Think fast, has Brenda said she needed or wanted anything lately?  Brenda loves Macy’s, I’m in and looking (and looking).  After a while I break down and do the unthinkable for most guys, and ask for help.  Bingo!  A wonderfully helpful Salesperson listens as I describe Brenda and she leads me right to the promised land a – Sonic Ring Cleaner!  (Stay with me here.)  Brenda is always taking jewelry to get things cleaned.  It’s a perfect fit for a need, it’s a gadget (I love gadgets) and as the perfect added bonus attraction – it doubles as a CD / DVD cleaner!  (Man Cave stuff!)  I’ve scored.

ring cleaner 2

As I’m leaving Macy’s I walk right by a music store.  I’m on a roll and immediately think of a romantic CD to add to the Ring Cleaner/CD Cleaner…


Now I’ve got the complete package, (1) Card, (2) CD, and then (3) finish off with the clincher…the jewelry and CD/DVD cleaner that I can use too!  Valentines’ Day is a “Home Run!”. (Depending on your budget or sweetheart, a little bit of “bling bling” could also be a sweet addition to this package.)

Lesson learned, it’s never too late (even when you almost are!)

2 Comments so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. Lana Caskenette February 12, 2014 at 12:50 pm -

    To “The Chris Man” in the Man Cave,

    Don & I really enjoyed your story. And I bet you really scored too. Those were great ideas and multifunctional as well.
    Keep having fun in that Man Cave. Love, D & L

    • Chris Meehan February 17, 2014 at 10:51 am -

      Thank you Lana, I had a great time with it. Always having fun over here in the Man Cave! 🙂