Inside the Cave – Looking to be a little “edgy” with your Father’s Day gift this year? Go CRATE! Yes, “Man Crates” are the newest craze in manly gift giving efforts this year…
The idea is not one simple item, it’s a total “Manly Experience” for Dad! Our 3P experts did extensive research and determined that many Dad’s are “FOODIE’S” of some sort, (I agree) and came up with a great ONE-STOP SHOPPING idea for you. Run, don’t walk to Trader Joe’s!
As you can see to start, TJ’s has fruit packaged in “crate looking” packages. There’s your cost free base, leaving more monies for the gifts. We decided to create with manly favorites –
* BBQ! A nice bottle of little Srirancha and Roasted Garlic BBQ Sauce
* MEAT. Chianti red wine Artisan Salami, OR Trader Joe’s Natural Beef Jerky, for that “casual meat treat”.
*SNACKS: Organic (yep, add a little “health” ingredient) Blue Corn Tortilla Chips, OR Roasted Gorgonzola Crisp Crackers! We love that Blue Cheese. Double Roasted Salsa to dip the chips/crackers…
*SWEET TOOTH TIME: How about some “Dark Chocolate Almonds” to munch on, OR Trader Joe’s famous “Swiss Dark Chocolate with Whole Hazelnuts” (can’t stop with these, totally addictive until they’re gone…) Don’t forget to add a little of the FRUIT you bought in the “crate looking” packaging! (back to another health element, and it goes with just of all of the above!)
OR Dad could be munching on the chips and salsa in the pool, so be prepared, is the temp in the pool OK? Check out the new/blue Floating Duck Blue Pool & Spa Thermometer! (Not at TJ’s, but only 5 bucks at Albertsons!) More spice to Dad’s life! Trader Joe’s Whole Grain Dijon Mustard, OR Moutarde de Dijon (Dijon Mustard with White Wine) TOTALLY my favorite(!)
Dinner for the family? Can’t go wrong with pasta and cheese! Try the Girasoli Ricotta and Lemon Zest, with some 100% Greek Extra Virgin Olive Oil with Lemon Juice. Add a manly bit of butter and it’s all good!
Time for a little manly caffeine? Try the “Shade Grown Ground Expresso Blend Coffee”, very, very tasty! What are we missing?? Well, it’s not at Trader Joe’s, but what traditional Father’s Day isn’t complete with the obligatory “NEW TIE”! (Knock your socks, or tie’s off with this last addition)
“PLAN B” –
We always to give you an alternative idea when we can, so if time is too short you can click here to find buy an already pre-made “Man Crate” at (You can go healthy, indulgent, tool-based, all snacks, beer-fanatic and more!)
Happy Father’s Day!