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Outside the Cave – Just went to an amazing Blogging Conference here in Las Vegas, the New Media Expo 2014. WOW. The pace of change, and the amount of data increasingly available to us all is just incredible.  My focus at this great event was to learn more about blogging for 3P, but it was also fun seeing some electronic “Toys” at the event, and hearing A LOT about one in particular that wasn’t at the event, but will soon be available. A couple that were: Solar Chargers...

I don’t want to sound like the Grinch, but I find it a little hard to get into the “Christmas spirit” until we’ve all had a chance to first celebrate Thanksgiving together.  Immediately after that though, as we are fortunate to usually have all or most of the kids here for that weekend, that makes Friday and/or Saturday perfect time to start in on one of my favorite first “Holiday Happy” things to do – put up the outside Christmas lights! It’s...

Inside the Man Cave – Ok guys, we’ve all been there…it’s Thanksgiving Day, the Macy’s Day Parade is on TV in the morning and everyone is working on setting tables, slicing and dicing, cooking and watching some of the parade. The family’s together, everyone is chipping in getting ready for the big feast later, and the newspaper (for those us that still get one…) is a foot thick with BLACK FRIDAY shopping ad’s.  The infamous “first day of Holiday Shopping”!! ...

Nov 20 2013
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The World’s Best “Man Cave” Glass – It’s NEAT! Inside the Cave- I’m fortunate to have a couple of friends who really appreciate fine wines and spirits. We have a lot of fun whenever we all get together. A couple of years ago, my friend George showed me an idea he was working on, an extremely unique shaped glass for drinking any spirit “straight up..”  He didn’t explain a thing. He simply poured a small glass of scotch in one glass, and the same in his glass. ...

Nov 04 2013
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In the Cave: Ok, so what exactly is a “Man Cave”? Simply put, it’s a place for a guy to be alone, indulge in hobbies, and/or hang out with guy friends without fear of upsetting the special people in our lives. Hey guys, some psychiatrists say it’s important for a man to have a place to retreat, and provide refuge from stressful surroundings, and man caves are said to be beneficial to relationships! How can we lose with that kind of endorsement? I’m...

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