If your New Years resolution is to inspire more gratefulness in your life…here are some treasures to use for National Thank You month! Kick off 2015 with thoughtful, terrific thank you’s that take minimal time, yet are a telling sign to others that you appreciate them. Chalk it all up to love and gratitude!
Spell it out in black and white just how much you care, with blackboard basics for gift giving. Tie in trendy prints of stripes and polka dots to class it up, and you’re ready to roll through Thank You month with cost-effective tokens of thanks! Michael’s has tremendous deals on trendy minis, and color coordinated pieces for presents…all perfectly priced below $2.
1. Ease into thanks by placing a miniature easel on a co-workers desk, showing them thanks and appreciation for their daily guidance and assistance throughout the work day.
2. Tag a friendly note that says a trendy thank you!
3. Give a hug and a mug to either a Mr. or Miss that has done much to help you.
4. Bag it up and pencil in a thankful thought the next time you meet a thoughtful friend.
5. Think pink and add an XO and some possible sweet treats, to make this a sweetheart thank you just in time for Valentine’s Day.
It’s the thought that counts and a simple thank you can add joy both to you and others around you. I try not to make it complicated, but go with the thankful flow as the thought hits me. What thoughtful tips can we add to our list? Share how you’ll be chalking it up to thanks this season!