Racing Like a NASCAR Driver…From One Man Cave To Another!

Posted on Mar 5 2015 - 5:40pm by Chris Meehan

It’s NASCAR week here in Vegas, which is a BIG deal for our city…and we recently raced like NASCAR drivers out of my Man Cave and into my friend Danny’s! Let me tell you…his cave is a total showstopper. We decided to do a small surprise birthday party for him at his office which his impressive Man Cave is next to. Everything “Vintage Car” absolutely amazes you as you enter! Take a peek… and for info on NASCAR happenings…check their site HERE! 


We have a lot of fun together, inside the cave, and out! Our gift to Danny that day was an official “Man Cave” sign for him to place in his cave! The girls found this unique gift at a remarkable price after Christmas, and it was our “gateway” to throwing a birthday for him in his Man Cave.

Danny spent a lot of time, and care to collect old-school gas station memorabilia, vintage car magazines, unique road signs and more. He told us the story of how an employee of his travelled all over Ireland and the rest of Europe sending him back small signs and coasters which he promptly stapled to the ceiling! Everything is literally wall-to-wall awesome in his Man Cave!


He gets so pumped up when he’s showing people his cave, you have to admire his passion and enjoyment for it! It’s really incredible to see him having so much fun, whether at work or play. Over the years, Danny has collected vintage license plates dating back to the 1800’s! He’s wallpapered one wall of his cave with them and it looks so cool as you go from one era to the next. (He even has them organized alphabetically by STATE…it’s impressive!) 


We stepped out of the Cave, and into the office with the girls to enjoy what Danny’s wife Sherry called our “Party on Wheels”. Stay tuned to hear from the girls this week…as we RACE again a la NASCAR to plan this party!

In the meantime…how’s your Man Cave shaping up? Pick up any MANLY decor finds lately or score any Super Bowl pieces that might become permanent?