The Man Cave: Easy BBQ’d Ribs in Puerto Backyarda!

Posted on Jun 20 2014 - 1:21pm by Chris Meehan


Outside the Cave –

It’s that time of year… Brenda’s sister Tracy named our back yard “Puerto Back-yarda”, and the name has stuck. Time to ENJOY! Anyway, I love easy recipes, this one a no-brainer and everyone asks for it again and again. This recipe was inspired by my friend Bill, thanks Bill!

BBQ’d Pork Loin Back Ribs! (Available in most any food store.)


This is great SLOW COOK recipe that you don’t have to stand around and watch.

1)    Take the ribs and season with garlic power, pepper, and your favorite “pork rub.” (Ours is Grill Mates – Pork Rub.”)

2)    Place the rack(s) of ribs on a large cookie sheet and seal it tightly with tin-foil.

3)    Pre-heat oven to 250 degrees. (Total prep time only about 15 minutes!)

Cook the ribs for approx.. 2 ½ hours. Leave em’ in the oven and go have a cold beverage or two in the backyard! When the 2 ½ hour mark is getting near, fire up your BBQ. Put on medium heat.

4)    Take the ribs out of the tin foil wrap, and then baste the ribs with your favorite BBQ sauce. For this meal ours is “Jack Daniels – Original # 7 Recipe.” The ribs will very tender, juicy, and ready for your finishing touch!

5)    Place the basted ribs on the grill. Objective, to “finish them off” with a nice char of BBQ favor. Should only take 5-6 minutes (but use your own judgment..)


How easy is that? You’re serving delicious BBQ’d ribs that cooked for hours, and took you only about 15 minutes to prep, and 10 minutes or so to complete!


3P Money Saving Tip: The ribs were on sale at Albertson’s, where they often have great deals. (buy 1 rack, get 2 FREE!, and all other ingredients were there as well.)

 Do you have a favorite “easy” BBQ recipe? Please share it with us!


3 Comments so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. Susan Elliott June 26, 2014 at 11:26 am -

    I have to tell you that I made these last week-end and they turned out amazing. They fell off the bone when I went to put them on the BBQ. They were amazing.
    Thank you for this recipe, it will be one that is used over and over.


  2. julie kuenzi January 18, 2015 at 6:58 am -

    I am totally going to try this recipe. My daughter and I love ribs and this one sounds like a winner. Thanks for sharing with us.