You may not always think “manly” when it comes to setting the Practically Perfect Planned table, but here at 3P we’re at the ready with guy-friendly ideas for you and the kids to make Dad’s everywhere feel extra special on their day.
Now, how do you get started on centerpiece that’s sure to please the guy in your life? Easy! Start with the 3P basic of picking a theme: Dad’s Favorites! What does Dad love? Does he always look snazzy in ties and socks? Does he love football? How about Fishing? Maybe BBQing?
The best place to begin, and to keep cost down to NOTHING…is to peek in Dad’s closet and around the house. There you’ll find a few of his favorite things whether it’s favorite ties, socks, hats…or trophies, knick knacks…the possibilities are endless. We even swiped some BBQ items from the pantry! A different twist for a Father’s Day gift idea from the whole gang is all chipping in to pick up a few Father-Favorites to make this centerpiece that doubles as a personalized and thoughtful gift. Another bonus is, this is a wonderful way to include the family too! This encourages putting the focus on the man of the day.
To begin building this manly masterpiece, and this may sound a little crazy…but we elevated a recycled salad container on a covered phone book wrapped in colored tissue. This gave us an effective foundation to begin adding Dad’s favorites. Ties and socks were then layered around each edge to add color and dimension to cover the container.
Next, we added a pair of Dad’s favorite Brooks Brother’s slippers, and a few special Father’s Day and birthday cards saved over the years. We then used the handy oversized paper clip photo holders that we featured for Gavin’s Surprise Party to secure and display items.
BBQ sauce and items were added for height and added “flavor”…a few pieces of coordinating tissue to really “tie” it all together, and VIOLA! A table topper just for Dad!
Stay tuned later next week for when we “tie in” rest of our Dad’s Day table!
What are a few of the favorite things for the Dad’s in your life? How would YOU build a manly centerpiece for your man? Need help? Let us know!