Voices to Listen to This Holiday Season: Yours and Those of Experts!

Posted on Dec 5 2013 - 9:44am by Brenda Meehan

I would like to introduce you to my friend and business associate Renee Ursen from “Get It Together LLC”. Renee is also a fellow organizer but specializes as a professional organizer for the home. From time to time we will be bringing Renee on-board to share her home organizing tips.  I have used her myself for a few challenging areas in my home and she is awesome!! Below are Renee’s words of advice as we hear the craziness of the season calling our name. Along with some 3P Event Basics that compliment our expert’s tips!


Words from Renee:

With the holiday merchandizing season beginning earlier each year, there are more and more voices out there, hawking their wares. If you listen, it merely adds pressure to an already busy season.

3P adds: before purchasing new décor items – take an hour or so and inventory what you have as well as what needs to be donated, given away or tossed. You’ll be surprised at all the things you forgot you had. Sometimes a fun gift is to package some gently used holiday décor, and ornaments that you are not using and give them to a family member or friend that is just starting out and would love your “vintage items”.  I remember my Grandmothers giving me some of their holiday hand-me-downs and I still have them as precious keepsakes.

Renee asks:

– What is important to you and your family? When my seven-year-old daughter looked at last year’s photos, it was the Christmas tree that drew her attention. Pay attention to the simple things when tempted to schedule another “fun” event.

– 3P: When I asked Jessi and John…the tree decorating party and our “Santa Breakfast” were their keepers.


– What isn’t important? Don’t feel guilty or make excuses. “That sounds like fun, but we won’t be able to make it” is a gracious way to say “no.”

– 3P: Don’t be afraid to host your own holiday event, and Practically Perfect Planner will guide you through simple and cost effective party pantry ideas to have things on hand that can turn party panic, into party pleasure.


(For more on our Party Pantry Staples…stay tuned this month!) 

– What causes you stress? For me, it’s crowds and waiting in long lines. I avoid shopping for anything on weekends in December. If we don’t have it by Friday, we don’t need it.

– 3P: For me, it’s feeling like things are getting away from me, so here at 3P we have a monthly schedule of what’s important to us. Start right now and pencil everything in you can think of so that you have an overview of realistically what your month looks like.  So you can cut or make room for your favorites.  Sometimes having an open house and having everyone come to you to visit for the holiday saves a lot of traveling.  And focuses you on getting your holiday decorating plan, cleaning and prep done early.


– The next 3P event basic is to start a To Do list for each function that you have with you at all times so you can prepare when you are out and about or see things on sale.


The three questions above should be asked all throughout the season to help determine what works best for you and your family. The next ones will help accomplish seasonal tasks.

– What needs to be done? It’s often easier to be on autopilot, doing what has always been done. Does the task really need to be done?

– Who might be able to help or do it better? My daughter, who loves to wrap gifts, is going to be in charge of wrapping this year. Wahoo.

– What could be done differently to achieve the same goal? Last year our family went to the local Magical Forest after Christmas. It was just as magical, especially since we were better rested and didn’t have to wait in long lines.

– Is there a simpler, easier solution? This might be the year to draw names for gifts, have a potluck instead of a sit-down dinner, or donate to a charity instead of hosting a party. It just takes one brave person to start the conversation.

– Do you really need to go to (fill in the blank)? This year, question each event before it goes on the calendar. Review the clarifying questions to help make the decision.

– What could wait until January? December is not the time for new projects or major cleaning. People come to see you, not the dust bunnies under the bed.

– 3P: YES on all of the above!! And to even simplify further, follow Practically Perfect Planner this month and explore Practically Perfect Planner tips on:

– Holiday décor
– Gift giving “It’s a Wrap!”
– Recipes that rock but won’t burn the budget
– Easy yet memorable entertaining
– Giving back from the heart and much, much more…

 And to kick it all off…tell us about your “Holiday Happy” and you’ll be entered to win a $100 Macy’s shopping spree! 

Be sure to check out Renee’s website at: http://get-it-together-llc.com/ (you’ll  be glad you did!)

2 Comments so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. Kayla Carter Arnold December 18, 2013 at 10:34 pm -

    My second holiday happy is baking for days to make everyone treats, staying up late putting up all the decorations so someone gets surprised in the morning, taking my inlaws to see Santa and ride the trains, making Christmas dinner and chatting with family

  2. Tania Atack December 19, 2013 at 1:22 pm -

    I am making Christmas Soup for my grandchildren to take to Ottawa. Can’t wait to see the SMILES on their faces when they unwrap it!! That will be a Holiday Happy for us!!!
    So all your ideas are so helpful and easy to incorporate!!!
    Love you guys. Tania