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Brenda Meehan

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Since we are an idea blog way more than a DIY – let’s dream up some gifts on the simpler side to sweeten up a lovey or two while sticking to...

Make sure the kids (or the BIG kids) “feel the love” by making their sought-after sammie…heart-shaped cookie cutter easy. We found these...

We’ve been working hard and smart this month to keep our New Years resolutions running STRONG.  Have you? This year we opted to be more budget savvy,...

“Hoo” would have thought a Valentine from the heart could be so sentimental, yet simple and inexpensive? Fill a photo box with more than just...

Think red and get ahead! After digging out things from the Valentine’s Box and ensuring red and pink paper products are at the ready…reflection...

Our post holiday bargain hunt was such a hit – we couldn’t wait to focus on our next catch…featuring the finds we scored with our final...

If your New Years resolution is to inspire more gratefulness in your life…here are some treasures to use for National Thank You month! Kick off 2015...

Health, exercise, weight loss….ugh. Here’s a few how-to’s to look forward to, rather than procrastinate. Boil up a batch of Thai Coconut...

Ham and Potatoes are a classic combo and family favorite featured throughout the holidays. When served in big batches for Christmas or New Years, leftovers...

Clean out the fridge and waste not-want not while you work on another New Years Resolution + cook up great comfort food! As the decor is “un-decked”,...

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